Thursday, August 20, 2009

"The Trouble With PowerPoint"

I've said before that Microsoft PowerPoint is a Tool Of The Devil.

I'm not alone in that belief, and I know I'm not; thus, my previous posts PowerPoint : Tool of the Devil?--which included a link to Lincoln's Gettysburg PowerPoint Presentation--and "Dumb-Dumb* Bullets".

Well, it seems that I somehow missed PowerPoint's 25th Birthday; in observing the event, the Beeb reveals that they agree with me.


Mongo said...

Harumph! You isht doing it wrong!

I use Power Point all the time in class, and it's great! The problem's are not related to the software, but to the boring speakers that use it as a crutch.

A couple years ago school admin asked me to speak to the faculty about using power points in class. My presentation used one, and laid out the big points. NEVER read the slides (insulting), More pictures than words, only one simple idea illustration per slide, etc. It went over big.

The punch line.... the PAID speaker who came on after me.... used a power point that broke every rule I had just outlined and was boring as hell.

Point proven..... (GGGG)

NotClauswitz said...

Used-to hafta do presentations for the CEO's financial road-show. Ugh.
Microsoft doesn't make any graphics software that's worth a hot crap, and the "automated" features of PowerPoodle and the way that MS designed reactive "expectations" into it are especially galling - font-size and the distribution of text in charts among other things.
And that doesn't begin to address the dumbing-down that is instigated.

Anonymous said...

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