Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I need a Wookie Suit...

Considering my background, it should come as no surprise that Ron Paul's foreign policy position(s) turn me off. I mean, you look up "isolationism", and there's his photograph.  I also am leery of "Audit The Fed", mostly on the grounds that doing so just gives Pelosi and Reid more power over it...

Then I read this, and have second thoughts.

h/t to Phil.

BTW, in case you don't follow Tamara's blog--and why not?--the following (which I first saw there) is, so far as I know, the genesis of the term "Wookie Suiter" to mean Ron Paul Revolutionary:

1 comment:

Lucas Darr said...

One, that photo is made up of so much WIN.

Two, there is a plausible theory that says Auditing the Fed will cause financial Armageddon.