Saturday, September 29, 2012

Earworm -- Greatest Generation Edition

(Couldn't' find a video by Jimmy Buffet, but the ukulele works.)

This was brought on by this  post at Of Arms and the Law: Sad to note
WWII submarine veteran's group disbands. Their last national convention was attended by 62 people; their youngest member is 86 years old.
"Submarines were just 2 percent of the Navy's fleet then [WWII], but subs sank more than 30 percent of the Japanese navy and nearly 5 million tons of shipping. About 16,000 men served on submarine war patrols. The submarine force lost 52 boats and more than 3,500 men."
I think that I mentioned that Mrs. Drang's father, and his brothers, were all submariners during WWII, although her father spent more time on sub tenders than subs. One of her uncles was in the Navy before WWII, and stayed on afterwards to retire as a Chief Petty Officer.

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