Saturday, March 1, 2008

Poly Ticks...

So I'm at work, and someone will do or say something, or something will happen, and I think "Ha! I ought to write about that!" But I'm at work. So I get home, and I think "I want a beer, I want a shower, I want to go to bed..." And, naturally, in the morning, all I can think of is "What was it I was going to say...?

This post almost was titled "Blogger's Block", because I couldn't remember what I was going to say, until I started writing the below: All I can remember was it was about politics, which may explain the poor memory. I have never been a fan of politics or politicians. I don't follow the debates, the primaries, the caucuses, the speechifying, the stumping, glad-handing, baby-kissing, or the tossing of water bottles to the fainting faithful.

Oh, yeah: I remember, as a kid, some other kid asking me if I was a Republican or a Democrat--we must have been all of ten years old!--and I said "Neither" and he concluded that I must be a Communist! Now, his parents were refugees from Yugoslavia, post-WWII and Tito, so they may have had a simplistic view of American politics... (I.e., one party or the other, none of this making up your mind based on the facts and issues. I don't mean to be critical of them: I suspect, based on details I vaguely recall, that they were anti-Communist, which in that time and place would have meant that they were probably de facto aligned with the Fascists...)

Anyway. I keep hearing people say "There's no way the Republicans can win it!" And thinking "But have you actually listened to what Clinton and Obama are saying?" Hillary wants to know who we want answering the Little red Phone at 3 AM; I have bad news, Hillary, I don't trust you to handle it any better than your husband did, or than I think Obama will, either.

Obama thinks we can make the world love us by abandoning our friends overseas--and yes, some of them may not seem too friendly, but once we have set up a situation where they rely on us, they are friends in terms of Foreign Relations. So far, Obama is the only candidate I have heard this cycle talking about legislation "he" will enact if elected. A senator should not need to be reminded that the president does not "enact" legislation, all he does is ratify legislation that the Congress enacts.

Meanwhile, the talking heads all seem to be having too much fun sniping at Hillary's predilection for pant suits--or is it "pantsuits"?--to actually address issues with either Democrat.

Don't think that, because I mention Clinton and Obama above that I am in love with McCain. He's a politician, therefore automatically untrustworthy in my book. But even someone who would rather turn off the radio or TV than catch political news hears more about the two Democrat candidates than any Republican, so they get to be the examples.

Personally, I wish the GOP would nominate Alan Keyes, if only for the entertainment value--an African-American, Harvard PhD, Evangelical Christian, Pro- Second Amendment candidate for President? Liberal AND Conservative heads all over the country would be exlpoding!

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