Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I was just going to post a small piece about Mrs. Drang's and my short getaway to Orcas Island. Which is the largest of the San Juan Islands.

The Wikipedia article's description of Orcas as being shaped "like a pair of saddlebags" is probably better than my own "Like a dog's paw," considering that the dog would have a pretty malformed paw.

There's a bunch more islands to the San Juan Islands than are shown here. One of them is Skull Island, so I guess I was wrong when I thought The Phantom lived in Africa...

I always figured that Orcas Island was named for killer whales. Nope: According to Wikipedia (again!) it is named for
Juan Vicente de Güemes Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo, the Viceroy of Mexico who sent an exploration expedition under Francisco de Eliza to the Pacific Northwest in 1791.
I think I hurt myself trying to say that name... (Which is what led to the title of this post.)

Not all islands in Puget Sound are part of the San Juan Islands. And not all San Juan Islands are in the USA--about half of them are part of Canada. San Juan Island itself was the site of the Pig War of 1859.

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