Sunday, July 20, 2008

Google Fu

Carry Permit Holders

Carry Permit Holders

Carry Permit Holders

Carry Permit Holders

Carry Permit Holders

Carry Permit Holders

Carry Permit Holders

Okay, I'm late to the party, and many of them worked it in cleverly, but screwit, I wanna play, too.

In Washington--that's Washington state--it's called a Concealed Pistol License, which can cause discomfort in those who learned lo! these many years ago that a pistol and a revolver are two different kinds of handgun. Something to do with the question of whether the chamber is integral with the bore, or something. Seems silly now, but I heard that one so long ago some of the people I linked to above weren't even borned yet.

They used to call it a Concealed Weapons Permit, even though the law only allowed you to pack a handgun under it's aegis; people were getting busted for illegal knives and claiming they had a permit, so they changed the name. (We have state preemption for guns, no matter what Mayor McCheese up in Skedaddle thinks, but not for knives.)

I won't say I never met a carry permit holder who wasn't a Good Person, but that seems to be the way to bet. The exceptions seem to be those who believe in their Right To Bear Arms but not yours. They tend to be, well, bitter. Unknown whether they're religious, as well a clinging to their guns...

So what's the point? Click on the last link, it seems that searching Google for "Carry Permit Holders" was returning the Brady Bunch's web site as #1. So we're trying to fix it.

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