Thursday, August 14, 2008

Georgia--and Russia

So every time I have thought about posting my thoughts on the Georgia Crisis I have come up against a few facts or issues, like that I am no expert on the area. Also, time, etc.

There are several excellent posts on the subject at the following blogs or sites:
Other thoughts. Many Russians may have been relieved to be rid of Marxism-Leninism, but it was all any of them knew, it may have been the most respected Russia has been throughout history (except perhaps immediately after defeating Napolean), and they were definitely not happy losing control of all the former SSRs.
When some of the former SSRs started turning Democratic, and then petitioning for membership into NATO... Well, paranoia is an integral part of the Russian psyche. This explains why the loss of control of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia anbd the Czech republic, East Germany, and their membership in NATO--not to mention Ukraine!--sends Russian politicians and "diplomats" into conniptions.

The Russians were making money off of Saddam Hussein, and are still making money off of Iran. Iran is right next door to Georgia.

The Russians backed the Serbs in the Balkans. That is, the non-Muslim Serbs, the ones who were doing the mass murdering and raping, not the murderees and rapees...

Some have marveled at Vladimir Putin's ability to shake off his KGB past and become a liberal, democratic politician. They probably won't change their tune.

Georgia has the third largest allied military contingent in Iraq, after the US and UK. And the US has been providing the Georgian military with training since it ceased to be an SSR.

It would be easy to sit back and claim that we don't have a dog in this fight, and maybe try and pretend that "both sides are at fault."
Supporting Georgia against Russian invasion is The Right Thing To Do. You may poo-poo the idea of "national prestige", but letting Russia roll over whatever small countries they feel like devouring would deal US credibility a blow worse as bad as or worse than letting South Viet Nam die was. Certainly the Israelis would have cause to worry--and the assurance of US support and protection may be all that is keeping the Israelis from nuking Iran, among other significant Middle Eastern locations.
Obviously, it would be great if we could resolve this peacefully, but the Russians are already violating a cease-fire that went into effect yesterday--and they may never have abided by it.

This is not pretty and it will be a long while before it becomes pretty. I have been trying to avoid historical allusions, but the obvious comparison to a chance to stand up to Hitler before he had even marched into the Rhineland comes to mind...

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