Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Open Letter to Obamaniacs Everywhere

Here's another I started and then left on the back burner...

You know who you are. The ones who get a look on your faces like a combination of indigestion, heartburn, and constipation every time I make a joke about how people shouldn't worry about "whatever", because it'll all be better on January 21st: The sun will come out, the eco-system will be cleaned up, global warming will cease, and crime, poverty, and strife will all go away.

Look he's the President-Elect, not yet the President, let alone God-Emperor. I'm not in the Army anymore, I'm no longer subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, so it is my right to talk smack about the man (excuse me, The Man) if I wish, even after the inauguration, because he will be working for me, not the other way around!

And this smack-talking will be because I am skeptical about his qualifications for the job, his intentions, his background, his acquaintances, not because his father was African. As I've pointed out before, voting for a candidate because of his race is just as much racism as voting against him for that reason would be; similarly, as pointed out here, accusing those who don't care for the target of your hero-worship are not automatically guilty of racism either, although there are certainly grounds for suspecting anybody who automatically accuses their opponents of racism of being guilty of same.

Not only that, but the man can't keep his story straight. Before declaring for the presidency, he never met a gun control measure he didn't like. After declaring for the candidacy, he was all for "common sense measures" while "recognizing that what works in Wyoming won't work in Chicago", never mind that a complete ban on handguns in Chicagoland doesn't seem to do anything about that body count...

And now, well, now he wants me to know that my gun collection has nothing to fear after he becomes president. Right.

Then there is the fact that he seems to wander through life in a daze. he has contact with people for years without knowing it, without remembering all the public evidence that he did so, and expects us to believe it when he says "What? Who? I don't know him!"
  • He attended the same church for 20+ years and never heard the preacher say "God Damn America" or "United States of KKK"?
  • And threw the preacher under the bus without looking back.
  • William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn hosted his political "coming out party", Ayers and he wrote blurbs for each others books and sat on the same panels at that same events, and Ayers is "just some guy who lives" in the same neighborhood?
  • He, or his office, were in contact with the governor of Illinois regarding who to appoint to his vacated Senate seat, and now he claims that no one had been in contact with Blago?
And he does not seem to speak well without a teleprompter. I know, neither does George Bush. But President Bush also doesn't screw up. I mean, he seems halting in his speech because he's being careful about what he says, and how it may come back on him. Obama just can't get it right! Look at the news today (sic), what he said about Blagojevich (sp?) being arrested for trying to sell Obama 's vacated Senate seat to the highest bidder: "We, um, I didn't know anything about it."

So, your Obamnation, was that the Royal We? Or did you have second thoughts about someone close to you knowing about it, and decided, a split second too late, to back peddle?

And, for that matter, what the hell does a "Community Organizer" do? Besides give "urban outdoorsmen" a carton of coffin nails in exchange for voting for Daily along with all the dead in Chicago? And why should I believe that someone who does that, is not involved in political corruption in the most corrupt city in the Midwest? (Or, at least, in the Midwestern city that has most raised corruption to an artform.)

While we're on the subject, what the hell is up with that whole "Requiring Public Service from High School Students" business? Yes, I know he/they changed the words of the web site, but it's too late, we already read it. And did a screen capture, just in case he/they went all weaselly on us, as he/they did. And, we have heard of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, even if he hasn't.

Another thing that bugs me, is that if the GOP had raised anything like as much money for McCain that the Obamessiah raised, you would be screaming your heads off that the GOP was trying to buy the Presidency. Especially if McCain had gone back on his promise to accept public monies, like Obama did: I can just see Carville or one of those other loathsome lackeys whispering "Makes it hard for Soros to shower you with cash, O Hopey Changey One."

But God forbid that the GOP help Sarah Palin out with her wardrobe! Just how fancy do you think the Governor of Alaska dresses, anyway? And as for her qualifications to be Vice President, she is at least as qualified as The Anointed One is! And as for the media's approach to Sarah Palin and her family, I piss on them all. No, I take that back: I wouldn't piss in the media's collective ass if their guts were on fire.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hope he does a good job. I hope he proves me wrong. I hope he keeps his hands off the Constitution, does not try and cram Socialized Health Care down our throats--I've dealt with the VA, I know how much government health care sucks!--and does not screw the economy up even more than it already is. I hope that he will not turn out to be as big a socialist as we fear, that he won't decide to nationalize everything, that his "National Security" team won't "sell the home world", and that there will still be an America left in 2012.

See? I can hope, too.

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