Friday, February 20, 2009

Is this legal?

I don't mean to sound naive or anything, but...

Is it legal for Canadians to come into the USA to work on a presidential (or any) campaign?

Apparently it is. So... WHY is it legal for Canadians to work on a US presidential campaign?

Is it ethical?

Oh, how silly of me, this IS the Hopey-Changey One we're speaking of here.

I'll just sit here quietly until they come to take me to the Gulag Re-education Center.

Tip o' the toque to Gateway Pundit.

1 comment:

Shy Wolf said...

Good blog, thank you. Also, thank you for having protect our Great Nation. God bless you for that.
Although not a Fed-Gov bill being suggested, here's one from Illinois you may want to keep an eye on. After all, as goes one state court, so go the others.
Apologies if I've taken over your comments.