Monday, April 27, 2009

Where's that tinfoil again? (EDIT & Re-EDIT)

So, there I was, waiting for shift to start and they were watching the Commie News Network in the break room, interspersing breathless coverage about the impending end of civilization as we know it due to swine flu with breathless coverage of President Unicorn ordering a low-level fly-by of the Statue of Liberty--I guess the Teleprompter In Chief can't pass up a photo--op--which, since it was not planned or announced, caused a panic in Noo Yawk City, when they cut to commercial.

"The Employee Free Choice Act..." Except, of course, they leave out the fact that it would be more properly titled "The Card Check Act", or "The Labor Union-Controlled Voting Act." then I realized the way the announcer was reading the title, was "The Employee-free Choice Act", so maybe he was on to this farce, too.

Later, I caught one of my crew checking out the HuffPo, item entitled "GOP Stripped Flu Pandemic Measures From Stimulus Bill!" Um, right, bill they were not allowed to read, let alone help write, and they're getting the blame?

Posted via mobile blogger, just 'cause all those folks doin' it at the Indy Gun Blogger Meet did it.

EDIT: The Moto Q series are nifty phones, but the screen and keyboard are so small that it makes it hard to catch goofs, like mispellings and leaving out key clauses...


  1. President Hopey-Changey was not aboard the VC-25, which was therefore NOT Air Force One, as had been announced. Evidently, someone in the the White House decided they needed new file photos, and had an Air Force Combat Cameraman in one of the chase F16s, but someone (the military liaison, who was named in one of the reports, but I don't care enough to look it up) marked the notifications "Not For Dissemination", so no one knew...
  2. Professor Darren Hutchinson of Dissenting Justice has this take on the "GOP Votes For The Flu!!!" claims: New Partisan Theatrics on the Left: GOP Supports the Flu. Pandemic Flu preparations would not have stimulated the economy, which, after all, was the point of the legislation. There was so little Republican support for the porkulous that they made no difference. And Democrats opposed including pandemic preparations in the porkulous, too. (Including Chuckie Schumer...)

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