Thursday, May 21, 2009

Call For Action UPDATE

UPDATE: Now on Liberty Belle's blog, Redistributing Knowledge. (ACTION ALERT: FIGHT SOCIALIZED MEDICINE ON MAY 30TH!)

I received an email with a call for action from Liberty Belle:
The Seattle Sons & Daughters of Liberty:
A Seattle Action Network
If you thought the Tea Parties were important, May 30th could be the fight of your life. Literally.

On May 30th, over 100 organizations and unions are getting together to support H.R. 676, The Citizens Alliance for National Health Insurance, and President Obama's plans to socialize healthcare in America. These people are very real, very determined, very organized, and very, very well funded. On May 30, 2009 an organization called Healthcare-NOW! is promoting rallies all across the nation to show support for a single-payer, or socialized, healthcare system. Click here for their Seattle rally website. They have lined up Patty Murray and Jim McDermott to speak. They are bussing people in from all across the state, including elderly and disabled people whom they plan to seat in the front rows in order to exploit them for their own purposes. They are calling it "Healthcare for All in 2009: Mothers Leading the Way." They must not go unopposed. Healthcare reform may be necessary, but government run healthcare is not the answer.

I now propose to you a plan of action to show our dissent and opposition. I am sick of standing by while they take to the streets. If you thought going to a Tea Party was important, please join me in what may turn out to literally be the fight for our lives. And we have only two weeks to get it together.

Their Plan:

They are meeting at Pratt Park in the Central District, at 20th Ave. S. & E. Yesler Way, 98144. Patty Murray will speak here until approximately 1:30 p.m. at which point they will begin their march towards Westlake Park, at 4th & Pine downtown. They will convene here, where Jim McDermott will speak. Their projected arrival at Westlake Park is 2:30 p.m.


We will be waiting for them at Westlake Park so that when they arrive, they are met not with open arms, but with patriotic, peaceful dissent and opposition. They will not be able to claim victory as we will match them in numbers and spirit. We are titling our counter-protest, "The Healthcare Funeral."
The details thus far:

* Aim to gather across the street from Westlake Park by 2:00 p.m. They are the permitted event and therefore have the actual park space and take precedence over us. I have spoken to the Seattle Police Department event officer who informed me that we will be allowed to stand across the street, and as long as we do not intentionally disrupt their event, we will be fine.
* Please dress up as a funeral goer (formal wear, dark colors, etc.), as an imprisoned doctor or nurse (scrubs, lab coat, plastic handcuffs, plastic chains, etc.), or as an ailing/imprisoned patient (fake plastic handcuffs, bandages, hospital gown, etc.).
* Learn the words to Amazing Grace, or at least the tune. I would like to sing this or at least hum it over and over.
* We will stay there until they leave. We will also have flyers to hand out that will stress positive alternatives to a single-payer system, as we will inevitably be portrayed as people who don't care.
* I need at least one bagpipe player!! Can you help? Email me at if you can help.

I will send you all more specifics and details that you will need in just a few days, but please put this date in your calendar now, and start telling every single person you know. Start planning your carpools and caravans.

We are fighting a huge uphill battle with this issue, considering the makeup of this administration and the current Congress. Please make this counter-protest a priority and help me climb this mountain. This is exactly why we collected email addresses at the Tea Parties: so that we could have a network of concerned and patriotic citizens with which to fight back.

Always in liberty,

Liberty Belle
I added the bold typeface to the first bullet point--anyone who goes to this needs to understand that the pro-Socialism event is permitted by the City of Seattle, (AKA The Soviet of Seattle, per that great freedom lover, FDR.) At this time, there is no specific information on this event on Liberty Belle's web site, but you can "join the network" there, and receive further notices.

Mrs. Drang and I have plans that day, already locked in, so we almost certainly will not be there. I don't know any pipers, but I do know a couple of folks who play drums in pipe bands, so maybe I can help out. But. Ye Gods, I hate Amazing Grace. (And those pipers I have known, won't play it. )

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