Friday, May 15, 2009

Puttin' Food On The Table

Farmer Frank James has a series of excellent posts on the subject of being a farmer.

Mostly, he's talking about his day. He probably never thought that talking about the farming, instead of guns, would be something that people would want to read. Still, his trials and tribulations of the past week or so should be mandatory reading for anyone who thinks that food magically appears at the grocery store.
The photos in I TOLD YA ITS BEEN WET!!!... may well be the money shot, so to speak...

Y'know, it's a truism that farmer boys (and girls!) make good soldiers. They don't necessarily "take discipline" better than city slickers, but they are certainly used to long days, hard work, nasty working conditions, and have no illusions about life being "fair."

Why doesn't Mike Rowe ever just go spend planting season or harvest on a farm?

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