Friday, August 21, 2009


In today's dead tree edition Seattle Slimes, partisan hack principled columnist E.J. Dionne has a piece entitled "Debate with words, not guns." (The e-version of it is called There's no place for guns at President Obama's appearances".)
WASHINGTON — Try a thought experiment: What would conservatives have said if a group of loud, scruffy leftists had brought guns to the public events of Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush?
How would our friends on the right have reacted to someone at a Reagan or a Bush speech carrying a sign that read: "It's time to water the tree of liberty"? That would be a reference to Thomas Jefferson's declaration that the tree "must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Pardon me, but I don't think conservatives would have spoken out in defense of the right of every American Marxist to bear arms or to shed the blood of tyrants.
My comment:
Alas for Mr. Dionne, we don't need to do a thought experiment, we need only do a Google Search,which lead us to the NewsBusters web site, where we learn that "a group of Black Panthers marched on the Texas Republican Party’s state convention on June 2000 brandishing AK-47s. Indeed, that incident itself was chalked up as then-Gov. Bush’s fault by none other than then-MSNBC "Equal Time" co-host Paul Begala." So blaming George Bush for everything started before he was even elected...
(Hat tip to Phil at Random Nuclear Strikes.)
Photos of barking moonbat libtards with signs and/or costumes making the recent spate of Obama protesters looking like a Sunday School picnic are rife; Zombie has collected some that specifically call for the murder and/or execution of Geroge W. Bush here.

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