Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Seen this? UPDATE!!!

This (so far as I know) anonymous poster has been getting slapped up all over Los Angeles.

Most of the controversy seems to be over how it's racist.

Not how accurate a description of His Imperial Majesty's politics and policies it may be, but over how mean it is.

Odd, if you do a Google Images search for "Obama Socialism Poster" you get all kinds of responses...

And, not surprisingly, if you do a Google Images search for "Obama Socialism Poster" you get a lot of hits...

Including many for sale on Zazzle.

Hey, here's a thought. Zazzle has a deal with the US Postal service that lets you make custom postage stamps...

Founding Bloggers brings us Barney Frank as The Joker!

Jeeze, now I'll never sleep...


web development said...

oops a new controversy..
barak Obama as a joker

JeanC said...

Good luck getting political postage stamps on Zazzle. The agreement they have with the USPS has pretty strict rules about what can or can not go on stamps. I had a stamp with a Ben Franklin quote (the one about liberty and safety)rejected.

Larry said...

The proper caption for the Obama-as-joker poster would be:

"Do you really think a guy like me has a plan?"

Drang said...

That's what I figured, but I couldn't actually find anything that said so.