Friday, October 16, 2009

A Good Point

From Wizbang blog:

Compare and contrast the Rush Limbaugh - NFL foofaraw with the Dixie Chicks incident of several years ago.
Both featured entertainers suffering backlash for their political beliefs.
Were both right? Both wrong? Or was there some distinction that makes their cases so different?
The Left still gets it's knickers in a twist over the "censorship" of the Dixie Twits, ignoring the fact that the fans voted with their dollars, which is The Market In Action, not censorship.  Then again, everything was Bush's fault...

OTOH, Rush Limbaugh was clearly dropped from a business transaction because of his political views, exacerbated by what are clearly libelous false reports of racist remarks he was alleged (but never) to have made. 

The conclusion seems to be, Conservatives are evil villains and Liberals are saintly victims.

Not that that's anything new.

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