Friday, October 23, 2009

Out and about

Okay, so, by Wednesday night, Mrs. Drang was going nuts, and decided we should go out, catch a movie, something.  I told her that the only movie that was out that I could remember, was Zombieland, unless maybeJulie and Julia was still showing.

Frankly, I figured I was in for Julie and Julia; the way I heard it, Julia was good, Julie not so much.  (Although how they got 5'4" Meryl Streep to fill in for Julia Child, who was as tall as me, I can't imagine, but anyway.)(What I really want to see is a movie about Julia Child's time with the OSS, not that most intelligence analysts lead exciting lives.)

Anyway.  Zombieland it was.

Is it the greatest movie of all times?  I think not.  We LOL'd, but we did not ROFL, let alone ROFLMAO.

But we LOL'd--and I cannot tell you how good it was to hear Mrs. Drang LOL.

Last night we watched Beer For My Horses--which was OK.  I was expecting to hear Toby Keith sing more.  Not a complaint, just expected a country singer making a movie based on one of his greatest hits to sing more.  (Have I mentioned that I went to the same high school as The Nuge?  Not that this means anything...)

Then we watched Monsters vs. Aliens--which was... basic Pixar.  Cute, clever, basically feel-good fluff.

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