Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Who could say no?

To a little sweetie who gets up on your shoulder and rubs against you purring?

Shelter adoption, allegedly feral before that, but she sure took to this "home, inside, warm, cuddles and scritches" bit quick.  Vet says she's had one, maybe two litters of kittens.  Ratbane ignores her, Sparrowbane alternates between being jealous and playful.  We've caught them grooming each other when they think we're not looking.


Lucas Darr said...


Don said...

That is what I would call a Cute Kitteh....


JeanC said...

AWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! Such a sweetie!

Glad the kitties are getting along (more or less). We still have serious scrabbles between our lot even after they've all been together for several years. Of course we do catch them all sleeping on the bed within tail touching distance, so I'm pretty sure the squabbles are for show (usually).