Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Flashback time--does anyone else remember the Hercules cartoons from the '60s?

Anyway, Dave Workman has a report/review of the hearing on SB6396, the latest iteration of banning ugly rifles--and shotguns--here in Washington AC.

In addition to Dave's review, Joe Waldron reports in emails that the sign-in sheet ran thus:
I just finished scanning the sign-in sheets on the bill.
313 signed in
  • 14 signed "pro" (yes) on the bill
  • 299 signed "con" (no) on the bill.

Actually, it was 11 "yes" and three blank, but they were in a bunch, all from Ceasefire, so I gave them the benefit of the doubt.

Congratulations to Washington gun owners on a fine turnout! It doesn't quite beat the count for the gun show bill three years ago (SB 5197), but it was close!!!

Some signatures of interest:
  • One WACOPS rep signing "con"
  • A couple each of "open carry" and "militia" "con"
  • Two "bicycle club" members signing "pro"
  • Several signers listed various gun clubs

Apparently there were other procedural shenanigans aside from the Bellevue Police Chief showing up in uniform and claiming to be there--and speak--as a "private citizen", but the Good Guys (Senators Pam Roach and Brian Judy) kept the socialists Demonrats "Progressives" in line.

Joe says--in another email--that, if procedure is followed, committee results will probably be out by the end of next week, and we'll know the status of the bill. (I may have misunderstood his description of state congressional procedure, though.  And, as we have seen all too much of this past year, there is always the possibility of middle-of-the-night sessions...)

Stay alert.

Oh, yeah, and don't be the guy who wastes 3 minutes of a hearing ranting about the motivations of congress-critters, when the time would be better spent addressing specifics of the bill in question.

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