Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Testing, testing

Somewhat busy week:  Had my annual recertification at work yesterday, and then tested (and made) the upgrade to Amateur General this evening.

Not sure which I was sweating more.  The electrical/electronics components (math, circuits, math)  of the General study material made me feel like my brains were about to run out my ears--a familiar feeling from my days studying Korean.

On the other hand, while "they" had told us that "they" had eliminated some scoreable items from the re-cert, it turns out that "they" are also using a far more stringent standard for what they do score.  I did OK--in fact, compared to the results thus far, I did pretty darned well--but there are far more folks going of for remedial and retesting than in previous years.  I'm not sure that using a stricter standard is a bad thing--in fact, it's probably good--but they should have told us.

1 comment:

Turk Turon said...

Well, congratulations!!