Sunday, October 3, 2010

Speaks Volumes

So last year, there was this Tea Party Rally on The Mall in DC.  Hundreds of thousands of people--some say as many as a million and more--showed up... They had a great time scaring the hell out of progressives, cleaned up after themselves, and went home.

(Image h/t Theodore's Net.)


On August 28th of this year, Glenn "Leftist Bogeyman" Beck held his "Restoring Honor" rally on the Mall in DC, and hundreds of thousands showed up, had a great time scaring the hell out of progressives, cleaned up after themselves, and went home.

(Photo h/t Gateway Pundit.)

This past weekend, a bunch of leftists, socialists, commies, union thugs, illegal alien fans, and environmentalists--but I repeat myself--had their "One Nation" rally on The Mall in DC.  A few thousand showed up,
told each other they were scaring the hell out of the tea party, got back on their union-hired buses, and left behind a huge mess for others to clean up.

(Photo h/t Gateway Pundit.)


Video h/t Are We Lumberjacks.
Here's another video, showing the respect the commies showed at the WWII memorial:

(h/t Gateway Pundit.)
Maybe cleaning up after themselves would be against union rules?

Marooned in Marin has some great pics...


DaddyBear said...

These people should be ashamed of themselves. Say anything you want politically, but show some respect!

Mason@CST said...

If the Tea Party left this mess the mainstream media would make it headline news...double standard as always.