Saturday, November 13, 2010

Laugh or Cry?

Courtesy Zero Hedge, Quantitative Easing Explained, which will, with any luck, put the final nail in The Fed's coffin:

I confess I was wondering what all the fuss about the S.S. Queen Elizabeth II was about...

All of "Mr. Tugwit's" videos.


cali said...

Excellent, Informative, Entertaining. I laughed till I cried.

I did not know this about Goldman Sachs and the Fed Chief. Thanks for informing us, in a very silly way.

If what this cartoon is describing is correct, and I have noticed prices going up like mentioned, it would seem that the policy mentioned would only worsen the economy. Is it foolishness, greed, negligence...

Drang said...

It is Change we can believe in!