Monday, December 20, 2010

Interesting Coincidence

It seems that a Total Lunar Eclipse--the first in a few years, I am given to understand--will occur this year on the Winter Solstice.

Breathless claims of supernatural significance of natural events in 3... 2...

UPDATE: Looks like I scooped just about everybody. Just think if I had the readership of Bobbi or Tam...

And I'm not convinced that this makes it "the darkest night in 456 years."

It gets pretty God-damned (which ever one you please) dark on the DMZ...


NotClauswitz said...

All I care about is that the days start getting longer from here on out - until they reverse again.

NotClauswitz said...

Well, I did care enough to stay up, and we had a clear weather window so I took pictures too.

Drang said...

I seriously doubt whether we could have seen any difference in the light through the cloud cover.