Monday, January 2, 2012

How far to bug out, and where...?

Mr. LibertyNews on the Shooters' Northwest forum linked to this article--Should you leave the USA before the collapse? Words of wisdom from someone who tried--which contains some cautionary advice regarding leaving the United States before things go "smash."

I haven't traveled as extensively as this guy says he has, but my reaction to folks who say things like "I've had it, I'm leaving"--whether they're running from the IRS, ATF, George Bush, or Barack Obama, has always been "Where are you going to go?"

"Oh, when we visited Freedonia, it was great!" "You were there for a week as a rich American tourist, will they let you stay? Will they grant you citizenship? How will you make a living?"

I'm so mean, smashing peoples' fantasies...


Unknown said...

Well, I hear Afghanistan has basically no gun laws! I think you can even manufacture whatever you want. Build your own castle out of mud, plant some crops, mingle with the friendly locals. . . .

Drang said...


Drang said...

"And if they tolerate you as the rich American ex-pat when things are going well (for given quantities of 'well'), will they continue to do so when things go bad? When you are no longer able to cash those checks or access those ETFs?"