Following a link Tam put up in comments--which, BTW, got NPR all over my netbook, so if I suddenly find links to the Huffer Post,, or, I know who to blame--I took the "Which Presidential Candidate" quiz.
93% Ron Paul, what a shock. 91% Gary Johnson. Mittens was somewhere in the 80s. I dunno who Jimmy McMillan or Virgil Goode are, but they scored higher than His Imperial Majesty, who only broke 50% because of "science issues", which seems odd, considering that's where the globull warmening question was...
Huh, I came up with Mitt, then Ron then Barack Obama no major issues. But with 19%?
Mrs. Drang tells me she "took the quiz: RP 88%, GJ 82%, MR 77%, BO 53% (science) - didn't look further at break down of "All"
"it said I was 87% Libertarian, a rebel"
Doing it more in-depth and I wind up a 91% Paul-bot. Where's my wookie suit?
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