FROM: GOAL [](Joe Waldron)
TO: undisclosed-recipients:
SENT: Fri 6/28/2013 6:25 AM
Legislative Update from Olympia 28 June 2013
The buzz in Olympia Thursday afternoon is that a deal was reached on the operating budget, thus averting a state government shutdown. Unfortunately the vote won't be taken until sometime Friday, and I'm due to hit the road Friday noon for Orlando and the quarterly board meeting of the Florida Sport Shooting Association. Rather than trusting a hotel internet connection to send out GOAL Post, I'm hitting the "send" button before I leave home.
As with last week, there has been no action on or interest shown in gun bills during the second special session. Apparently they're waiting to see what happens with the upcoming initiatives.
On the initiative front, the campaign kick-off for pro-gun Initiative 591, conducted at last weekend's WAC gun show in Puyallup was a success by all measures. The initial count indicates over 2,000 signatures were gathered over the weekend.
The Protect Our Gun Rights PAC has been registered with the Public Disclosure System and in addition to signature gathering efforts, fund raising can now also begin. Unlike the fifteen-page monstrosity that is anti-gun I-594, I-591 is a clean and simple single page. All that needs to be said is said on that one page.
Further information on I-591, to include a request for blank petitions and a link to the donation page, may be found at Six months may sound like a long time to gather signatures, but January 2014 is just around the corner.
Federal agencies strike again. The latest is the ATF putting out a Request for Proposal for a data repository system that will not only list persons of interest to that agency, it will also automatically search social networks and other data bases to link that person to other people known by the person. Part of the RFP reads the database should "obtain exact matches from partial source data searches" such as complete or partial social security numbers, vehicle serial codes, age range, phonetic name spelling, and related geographic addresses.
So much for, "If you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to fear." Are you sure all your friends and acquaintances are as squeaky clean as you?
All this to help us and make us safer. And if you can't trust the government, in his own words President Obama said he has an issue with you. ATF is prohibited by law from creating any form of gun registry, so that should make you feel better. They wouldn't violate that law, would they?
BILL STATUS: All bills filed in during the regular session are available and may be acted upon. At this time there are no new gun bills, nor has there been any action on bills previously filed.
GOAL POSITION ON BILLS: No active gun bills at this time
LEGISLATIVE HOT LINE: You may reach your Representatives and Senator by calling the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000. Toll free!!! The hearing impaired may obtain TDD access at 1-800-635-9993. Also toll free!!!
1-800-562-6000 TDD 1-800-635-9993
OTHER DATA: Copies of pending legislation (bills), legislative schedules and other information are available on the legislature's web site at "". Bills are available in Acrobat (.pdf) format. You may download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader from Adobe's web site ( You may also obtain hard copy bills, initiatives, etc, in the mail from the Legislative Bill Room FREE OF CHARGE by calling 1-360-786-7573. Copies of bills may also be ordered toll free by calling the Legislative Hotline at (800) 562-6000. You may also hear floor and committee hearing action live at (you need "RealAudio" to do this, available free at the TVW web site).
By reading the House and Senate "bill reports" (hbr, sbr) for each bill, you can see how individual committee members voted. By reading the "roll call" for each bill, you can see how the entire House or Senate voted on any bill. The beauty of the web site is that ALL this information is available, on line, to any citizen.
GET THE WORD OUT: If you want to subscribe to the GOAL Post by e-mail, send a message to ""or to "" Please pass GOAL Post on to anyone you believe may have an interest in protecting our rights. Better yet, make a couple of copies of this message, post it on your gun club’s bulletin board, and leave copies with your local gun shop(s). PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO DUPLICATE OR REDISTRIBUTE GOAL POST PROVIDED IT IS REPRODUCED IN ITS ENTIRETY WITHOUT TEXTUAL MODIFICATION AND CREDIT IS GIVEN TO GOAL. I can be reached at "" or by telephone at (425) 985-4867. Unfortunately, I am unable to mail hard copy GOAL Post to individuals. Limited numbers of hard copies MAY be available at the Second Amendment Foundation book table at WAC gun shows.
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Upcoming WAC gun show(s):
- Monroe 13-14 July
- Puyallup 3-4 August
"The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men."
Article 1, Section 24
Constitution of the State of Washington
Copyright 2013 Gun Owners Action League of WA
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