Sunday, February 25, 2018

GOAL Alert 2018-2

Action needed!

FROM: GOAL WA ( Waldron)
TO: undisclosed recipients
SENT: Sun 2/25/2018 6:27 AM
SUBJECT: GOAL Alert 2018-2

GOAL Alert 2018-2

Legislative alert from Olympia25 February 2018



I’d say I’m sorry for the rush of messages, but I’m not.The rush is caused by end-of-session manipulation by Democrat “leadership” in Olympia, and calls for a strong response.

As I have posted frequently, it ain’t over ‘til the fat lady sings.And she’s not scheduled to sing until midnight on 8 March (a week from this coming Thursday). While the legislature sets cut-off dates and other procedural processes to keep bills moving and cull out other bills, the bottom line is that these are not written in the state Constitution, they are internal rules adopted by the legislature and may be changed by the legislature at will.

The House has filed a “counterpart bill”, HB 3004, to SB 6620.A counterpart bill is a verbatim duplicate of the bill filed in the other chamber. If both pass unamended, it/they go straight to the governor for his signature.

SB 6620/HB 3004 is a 14 section, 28 page bill in their words, “Improving security in schools and the safety of our students.” What it is is a Trojan horse, gun control hidden under the guise of the standard Democrat mantra “It’s for the children.”

Part I of the bill is a single section less than one page in length and talks about unspecified funding for “school emergency response systems.” Part II, “Students protecting students,” is three more sections spread over 10 pages and discusses nominally establishes a program whereby students may – anonymously if so desired – report potential threats to school safety and sets out procedures, including court action, to be followed, as well as identity protection for all involved in the process up to and including law enforcement and court personnel.

Part III is the zinger, “Semiautomatic rifles or shotguns with tactical
features.” 18 pages, 24 sections describing the offending firearms as semi-auto rifles or shotguns with detachable magazines (mostly the features such as pistol grip, thumbhole stock, flash hider, grenade launcher – the standard litany of evil features from the federal 1994 Clinton/Feinstein “assault weapon ban”). There are some omissions here but I’m not going to identify them. Please note that these definitions do not include tube-fed firearms or manually operated firearms.

The principal focus in Part III is shifting “semiautomatic rifles and shotguns” to the same category as that applied to handguns: they can only be sold to individuals age 21 and over, and are subject to the additional requirements for handguns: additional state paperwork and waiting periods (with the existing CPL exemption).

Keep in mind, under I-594 ALL firearm transfers must be processed by a licensed dealer, meaning that de facto registration already exists via the FFL’s required record-keeping, but this would effectively add offending semi-auto firearms to the state pistol registry, creating an on-line data base of such firearms.

It also increases the state firearm dealers license fee from $125 to $150.

Text of HB 3004 has not been posted yet, but the bill’s home page is at:

It is the intention of legislative “leadership” to ram this bill through before the end of the session.How much time will be given to public testimony remains to be seen – at this point nu public hearings are scheduled.

It is imperative that you contact your legislators as soon as possible to ask that they remove Part III from the bill.Parts I and II are likely legitimate, but Part III is strictly a ploy to use school and children’s safety as a cover for more gun control.

You can find your legislators by visiting:

Once you find your district, simply scroll down to see your Senator and Representatives listed.Click on their name and it will take you to their information, including a link to e-mail them.

Or you can call the Legislative Hotline toll-free at (800) 562-6000.

We need to flood the legislature with you going on record opposing Part III of SB 6620/HB 3004.

This is just step one on their agenda.There is already discussion of raising the age limit for the purchase of ALL firearms to age 21. The Constitution does not impose an age limit on the exercise of fundamental, enumerated (listed) constitutional rights.Not to mention the fact that you can enlist in the military, or be drafted, and fight for your country at age 18.

If anyone receiving this is attending the WAC gun show in Puyallup today, please make copies of this and take them to the show.Thank you.

Posted by: GOAL WA

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Wow, I'm betting it's going to get rammed through before anybody can mount a counter to it... sigh