Monday, March 19, 2018

Out and About

Not sure which surprised me more today:
  • Safeway sells "Frozen, Pre-cooked Chitlins."* 
  • Safeway sells caviar. 
  • Trader Joe's was playing Toby Keith and Alan Jackson as muzak. 

Also, this happened semi-locally: Mango Used As Weapon In Bellevue Assault | Bellevue, WA Patch.  (H/t SayUncle.

Mrs. Drang is still disgusted with me because my first reaction was "Come at me with this banana!"

*Yeah, it's probably "supposed" to be spelled "chitterlings." Guess what? Spell check agrees that "chitlins" is also acceptable.


Old NFO said...

Umm... Not sure I'd trust caviar from Safeway... Just sayin :-)

Drang said...

But you're OK with frozen, pre-cooked chitlins?