Friday, November 16, 2018

The Quixotic Act of The Day 11/16/18

I think WhiteHouse.Gov petitions are about as fine an example of quixoticism as you'll find, but, still, that abortion of a ballot initiative passed, so wotthehell, as Mehitable said to Archie:

To abolish unlawful, unjust, and unconstitutional gun laws in Washington state (I-1639).
The great state of Washington, through fraudulent petitioning and tricky wording, has placed on the ballot and passed I-1639; one of the strictest anti-gun laws in our country. We The People therefor ask that our great President and our public servants, step in and abolish such laws restricting, infringing upon and/or otherwise limiting our right, that has been guaranteed to us within the 2nd amendment of the Bill of Rights, and further protected and solidified through centuries of bloodshed and legal proceedings.

We The People humbly and gracefully plead for your helping hand Mr. President. Please put an end to the destruction of our freedoms and liberties by protecting our second amendment rights; here in Washington state and throughout the states of our great country.
Thank you.
I mean, I don't know what they think the President can do about this, beyond launching a Twitter campaign.


Note that there's no restriction on state of residence for signing this thing...

1 comment:

LibertyNews said...

I notice that the 'Repeal the NFA' petition has 293k signatures. Fat lot of good that did us.

These petitions are as useless as polls. They distract from the real work, which is going to be in the courtroom.