Sunday, March 20, 2022

Ha! Some not-so-deep thoughts re: Ukraine

 I have not commented thus far on Mad Vlad Putins ill-considered, and ill-fated, invasion  of Ukraine.

But this is too good not to share:

Militarily, Ukraine wins by not losing, but Putin loses by not winning. In fact, it's probably too late for Mad Vlad to do anything but try to save face. And even if he declares victory probably the best he can hope for is  nice dacha someplace...

But this video (note the source: Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe!) definitely supports the contention that Ukraine is wining the propaganda war! Yes, the "Ghost of Kyiv" seems to be an exaggeration, and the whole thing with the Marines telling the Russian navy to pound sand seems to be that, at least, but the stories were wide spread, and nowhere in the propaganda manuals does it say "they have to be true." 

But, Lord, do I want it to be true that Ukrainian Grandmothers are giving Russian soldiers sunflower seeds with instructions to keep them in their pockets, so the flowers will bloom in the Ukrainian soil they are going to die on...

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