Saturday, December 6, 2008

Who thought this was necessary?

Only someone who has to leave the house at 0300 for work--on Saturday--can truly appreciate the sensation of realizing that, once again, you have arrived at work without a pen in your pocket. (So far, I don't think my crew has figured out that the reason I give them so much crap when I have to get them a pen from the supply cabinet is that I have to get myself one at least once a week...)

So, today, I go and retrieve myself a writing implement, and discover that The Salt Mines have decided that we need to be using anti-microbial pens.

That's right, antimicrobial pens. (Link is to Google Search for same.)

Who knew pen-borne germs were a threat? (I guess I could see it if I were working in surgery, but believe me, I ain't.)

I figure that, the way we're going, by 2020 the common cold will be a deadly illness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are they pink? Like the ones from Amazon? Maybe its just a plan to keep people from taking them home...