Saturday, September 5, 2009

GBR-IV Weather

For anyone else attending the Gun Bloggers' Rendezvous, or just those who are interested, I added a link to the Weather Underground page for Reno, NV, to my sidebar, with the links to Gun Bloggers and to my Google Calendar for the GBR.

Looks like high 80s and low 90s for the duration.



Ride Fast said...

I'll take that over last year. It was near 10-15 F at the range with a 10 - 20 breeze.

I'd never fired a gun while that cold before. My target was laughing at me.

Ride Fast said...

Knot, idiot, 10 - 20 knot breeze. Damn engineers.

Drang said...

One of the dubious pleasures of serving 7 tours in Korea was many opportunities to shoot in worse weather than that...