Saturday, March 20, 2010

Recommended Reading: "The Constitutional Case Against Progressives"

"Josie Wales" has an impressive item up at Andrew Breitbart's Big Government entitled
The Constitutional Case Against Progressives:
[Do not read this article without a copy of the Constitution, and if you do not have one handy, shame on you (link here).]

A line is being drawn in the sand between the statists and Americans, and I use the term American in the grandest sense. The United States of America represents one of the last bastions of traditional liberalism, which is why the Left should no longer be identified as liberal, but rather we should continue to identify its members as progressive statists. The Left believes the precepts of our Constitution have failed society, and thus, we must look towards the “enlightened democracies” of socialized Europe for guidance in the progression of American society.

Picture 3

We hear the mantra of rights professed daily by the progressives: education, work, social security, health care, etc. And since we do not live in a state of nature, the guarantor of those rights must be the government. This is the definition of a statist, and adherence to these beliefs is inherently in opposition to the Constitution. The Founders recognized that government could NEVER be the guarantor of rights which is why so much of the Constitution is written in terms of limiting powers conferred upon the government.
I've had this sitting in my queue as a draft for a while, debating how to handle it.  Finally decided it's too long for here, so you should Go Read The Whole Thing.

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