He’s trotted-out the inane Elizabeth Warren ‘social contract’ drivel, which is really the babblings of a{n} economically illiterate Socialist.
Depends on what 'is' is. If by literate you mean actually understands the long term ramifications of: then, no that would be a Null Operator.Socialists always seem to think that they can have all the benefits of a free market, with out actually having a free market (or even a caged one).
They're literate like a hyper-thyroid child with a big vocabulary who likes to hear himself talk and won't shut-up. (*cough Paul Krugman cough*) :-)
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Depends on what 'is' is.
If by literate you mean actually understands the long term ramifications of: then, no that would be a Null Operator.
Socialists always seem to think that they can have all the benefits of a free market, with out actually having a free market (or even a caged one).
They're literate like a hyper-thyroid child with a big vocabulary who likes to hear himself talk and won't shut-up. (*cough Paul Krugman cough*) :-)
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