Sunday, August 31, 2008

Well, isn't that interesting...

Now, I was always going to vote against any Democrat they put up, simply because I can't imagine a Democratic candidate for President that I could stomach. Zell Miller's not running, was never in the running, and Harry Truman's dead. And since I'm not quixotic enough to vote for a third party candidate who has not chance of winning, but who's votes just might be enough to draw votes away from The Lesser Evil--c.f. H. Ross Perot, Ralph Nadir--that meant I was almost certainly going to vote for The Gop. Holding my nose, almost certainly, but nowaynohow was I going to vote jackass!

Then Colonel Tigh found himself a real-life Heinlein Woman to name for Veep! (I forget whose blog it was I first saw Sarah Palin referred to as a Heinlein Woman; probably either Roberta or Tamara.)

I had heard of Sarah Palin, because Alaska news, including politics, is included in the Seattle news, because old-time Seattlites still like to tell people that Seattle's biggest suburb is Alaska. (Not true anymore, Alaska does just fine on it's own nowadays, thankyouverymuch, but Seattle is still the Gateway to Alaska, and the habits are there. Anyway.)

Naturally, all sorts if Internet Rumors got started. I may have helped pass along a few in person. Like, for example, the one about her husband havign been an Army sniper. Based on subsequent postings by Turk Turon, the source was an article in the NYTimes, and was probably a mis-edited reference to someone in her son's unit. (NB: Her son deploys to Iraq on September 11, 2008!)

The funniest stuff I have seen, though, are all the people who are saying "But she has no experience!

Well, here is a chart that compares her experience to that of , not the Democratic VP candidate, but their Presidential candidate.
"Executive Experience
Her: Two years governor of Alaska, 10 years mayor.
Him: NONE."

In the meantime, apparently, many of Hillary Clinton's supports really are so PO'd that they will vote for McCain out of spite, and to "support the guy who supports women", links here and here.
(Links courtesy Marko and Tamara.)

Finally, Chuck Norris seems to be in danger of losing his status of Internet Myth; there is now a Little Known Facts about Sarah Palin website that includes Chuck-like items like
  • Sarah Palin isn’t allowed to wield the gavel at the convention because they’re afraid she’ll use it to kill liberals.
  • Sarah Palin once won a competitive eating contest by devouring three live caribou.
  • Sarah Palin once carved a perfect likeness of the Mona Lisa in a block of ice using only her teeth.
  • Sarah Palin will pry your Klondike bar from your cold dead fingers.
  • Sarah Palin pick retroactively makes the theme of #DNC08 “Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead
  • Sarah Palin doesn’t need a gun to hunt. She has been known to throw a bullet through an adult bull elk.


Turk Turon said...

Right you are about that sniper reference in the NYT; they posted it, then re-edited and deleted that whole paragraph.

Google, however still indexes that NYT article as the source of the "sniper" misinformation. Good thing, too, because I can't find any "Mea Culpa" in the NYT about it. I posted a screen-grab here:

Sorry 'bout that!

Drang said...

I'm pretty sure I saw the "sniper" ref' somewhere besides your blog; I'm glad you posted the screen shot with the original version in case anyone calls me on it! (FWIW, I'm pretty sure it was just clumsy editing on the NYT's part. Been there, done that. Although you'd think they'd have higher standards than that...)