Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Yes, we... Uh, Yes, we can!"

Good fisking* of the inauguration speech over at Sound Politics.

The comments have an interesting debate going on, between the True Believers (AKA Obots) and pudge, the original poster.

Bit of a debate going on whether at Schloss Drang, as to whether His Imperial Majesty Barack Hussein Obama The First really screwed up the Oath of Office. I didn't watch or listen, Mrs. Drang did, but recording are everywhere. Mrs. Drang seems to be leaning to a view that Chief Justice Roberts more or less set The Messiah up, by reading him too big chunks of the oath. Maybe, although he's certainly had enough time to rehearse it, and he's certainly articulate (or glib, if you prefer**) enough to have learned it.

Me, I think it hit him that for once on his life he's actually going to have to produce. His entire life, all he's really done is raise money or votes for crooked politicians.

Now he's in the hottest of Hot Seats, and everyone in the world is watching to see what he does next.

*Fisking, @ Wikipedia: A point-by-point refutation of a blog entry or (especially) news story. A really stylish fisking is witty, logical, sarcastic and ruthlessly factual; flaming or handwaving is considered poor form.

**I accused him of glibness once, but that implies an ability to speak extemoraneously, which he has not demonstrated.

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