Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wotta Yutz

OK, we were out of town, so I missed this.

Rahm Emmanual, Advisor-in-Chief to His Imperial Mahesty Barack Hussein Obama, speaking to the Brady Bunch:

(From May 2007, by the way.)

Typical gun-grabber. Makes up statistics. Assumes the Right to Bear Arms, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution, doesn't exist. (But all others do, of course. How is it that one amendment warrants exceptions and exemptions, but the others don't? Oh, wait, I forgot the First Amendment Exemption that is the Fairness Doctrine, i.e., I talk smack about liberals so I can be forced to shut down, but Al Franken talks smack about conservatives, so he won't be.)

By the way, Rahm ol' buddy, someone who is on the NO FLY list almost certainly can't buy a handgun, not legally. Someone on the WATCH List--which I read somewhere the TSA wants to drastically reduce, by the way yet again--may be able to. Depends on why they got themselves on the list. Two different lists. That's why Senator Teddy Kennedy (D-Bloated Mass) can fly, after hassle--he proves he's not the criminal who was using the name Teddy Kennedy.

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