Thursday, April 7, 2011

Verrrry interesting...

Following a tip on Bill Quick's Survival Preps site from "Eric in Seattle", I arrived at Pure, which lists gas stations in the USA that sell ethanol-free gasoline.

I didn't know you could do that.

I may have to stock up...


Anonymous said...

Yay, glad it was useful!
-Erik from Seattle

NotClauswitz said...

It figures: the *good* gas is outside Laguna Seca Raceway!

Drang said...

Around here it seems to run heavily to marinas and commercial distributors; I know for a fact that one of the listed facilities only sells to account holders.

We used to go do "drivers training" out in the East Training Area at Ft Ord, and have lunch on the other side of the fence of Laguna Seca. Pretty cool, although we had no way to know what was going on other than a lot of fast, loud cars going by.